ExamPro has been consistently offering assistance for those preparing for the MFM subspecialty board exam for the past 10 years (no one else can claim that track record).
Our MFM Division is headed by Dr. Rob Atlas who has been
ExamPro’s leading MFM faculty member for almost 20 years.
With Dr. Atlas’s assistance, we have put together an MFM
program that is totally exam-focused, effective and.
Robert O. Atlas, M.D., Chair, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland 21202; Assistant Professor of Obstetrics/Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Division of Maternal and Fetal Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.
As Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mercy Medical Center, Dr. Atlas is dedicated to keeping Mercy on the leading-edge of care for women across their life-span. Under Dr. Atlas’ leadership, Mercy’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is actively participating with other hospitals across the state in the Maryland Patient Safety Center’s Perinatal Collaborative with the aim of providing the best possible care and outcomes for all mothers and babies through the practice of evidence-based quality care, teamwork and physician and staff education and training. In addition to the Perinatal Collaborative, Dr. Atlas serves on the Medical Executive Committee, Medical Staff Bylaws Committee, Medical Morals Committee, Continuing Medical Education Committee, Infection Control Committee, Medical Staff Quality Council Committee, Pediatric Care Committee, Performance Improvement Committee and Ethical Consult Committee.
As a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist, he continues to expand and grow Mercy’s Center for Advanced Fetal Care offering specialized services to women experiencing high-risk pregnancies.
Dr. Atlas is involved with several local organizations and community committees. He is an active participant in the Governor's Children's Cabinet, Board of the Family League of Baltimore City, The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Baltimore City Health Department's "Baltimore Babies Born Healthy Leadership in Action Program" as one of 40 leaders in Maryland selected for demonstrated leadership capabilities and ability to impact birth outcomes in Baltimore. He is a member of the March of Dimes Board of Directors, March of Dimes Prematurity Chairman, in addition to serving on the HEAL (Helping Everyone After Loss) Committee.
As Assistant Professor of Obstetrics/Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Division of Maternal and Fetal Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dr. Atlas continues to provide both teaching and mentoring to residents and medical students. He serves on the University of Maryland Liaison Committee on Medical Education, CREOG Committee and the Resident Research Committee.
The recording of our MFM Board Review Course makes you feel like you are actually sitting in and listening live to our MFM Board Review Course. The course manual is included free.
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MFMs, we have a course just for you. This OB/GYN course is for candidates preparing for the MFM Written and Oral board exams. The curriculum is based on ABOG guidelines and includes significant sections on statistics, genetics and thesis defense. MFM Course manual included.
We offer this course every other year on the odd year.
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Having your case list reviewed provides the single biggest opportunity to dramatically change the outcome of your exam.
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The defense of your thesis is a critical part of your exam. You MUST be comfortable to discuss and defend it! ExamPro’s thesis review provides the opportunity to work through various concerns you may have as well as issues you may not be aware of on your thesis!
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The most common mistake in preparing for the MFM oral boards is not having enough exposure to the oral exam environment. Get the practice you need during our mock oral sessions.
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