Your Case List is 50% of your OB/GYN Oral Exam and provides the single biggest opportunity to dramatically change the outcome of your exam.
You have control of how to construct your Case List, and in the Office section, which Cases you choose, so make the most of it. Not only are you strongly encouraged to have someone other than yourself review your Case List, it is now expected. Today, the Oral Board exam bar has been raised, examiners can potentially notice if a Case List hasn't been reviewed. Don't waste this golden opportunity.
Up to 160 Cases may be reviewed. If you have more than 160 Cases, you will also need to select
Extra Cases. Case List review is completed by Dr. Alvin Schamroth, ExamPro founder and CEO.
- Please see Case List Review item for deadlines
- In the subject line write CLR and your name and in the content of the email, please give us your contact information and send your list to
- We only review complete case lists. We do not review partial lists as you will not receive a fair review.
It is the responsibility of the candidate to
a) submit your case list for review by the deadline. If the deadline has already passed we can still review your list, simply pay the late fee. If your list has over 160 total cases, please pay for your extra cases so that we can send out your list as soon as we receive it.
b) download your audio files that you receive from faculty immediately.
- In compliance with HIPAA please make sure you send the ABOG (de-identified) version of the report for your Case List Review