The Platinum Package provides everything you need to give you the best chance at passing the exam. It includes a copy of every single one of our manuals (all designed to give you the most return for your hour spent studying, and the most comprehensive exposure to questions that are asked year after year.) Payment plans available upon request.
- Definitive Board Prep Course (6 days) (Package includes in-person live course only, ZOOM or pre-recorded additional)
- Case List Construction and Review Course
- Preparation Manual
- Clinical Cases Manual
- ACOG Summaries Manual
- Case List Exercise Manual
- Histology Atlas
- Case List Construction and Review lecture (delivered via USB flash drive)
- Structured Case Exercise Vol. 1 - 3 (delivered via flash drive)
- Mock Oral Vignettes (delivered via USB flash drive)
- Public Mock Oral - 1 Session (done live at course in the evening, not available if you do pre-recorded course)
- Webinar - 1 Month According to your purchase, please let us know which month you want access to the webinars for by emailing us at
- One Hour Private Mock Oral (done at live course in the evening)
- Case List Review (up to 160 cases included, see case list review tab for deadline)
- Case List Review Manual
- High Yield OB/GYN Presentation (delivered via USB flash drive)
- Current Year Recert Summaries
- Board Review Course Presentation (delivered via USB flash drive)
- Comprehensive OB/GYN Board Review Study Guide
- Predicting the questions (delivered via USB flash drive)
- Structured case library
- Case List Defense Library
- Finishing Touches Course
Please note: For case list review deadlines, please look under the case list review tab
Value of individual items:* $11,140
Cost of package: $5,995
You Save: $5.145